Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures


Student safety is one of our top priorities. Making sure students get where they belong as they enter school and at the end of the day is a big task, so your cooperation with the procedures below is greatly appreciated!

Parent Drop-off Procedures:

  • Parents who are dropping off students at the beginning of the school day are to park in the lot outside of the Gym. Please wait outside with your child until the doors are opened. Students will enter through the double doors near the playground. Students will not be able to be dropped off before 8:50 a.m. and must be supervised by a parent until a staff member opens the doors to start the school day.

Late Arrival/Sign-In

  • If your child arrives to school after 9:05, they are considered tardy. A parent/guardian must accompany them to the Main Office to sign them in.
  • Your child will be given a pass to present to his/her teacher upon arrival to their classroom.

Parent Pick-up Procedures at Dismissal Time:

  • If your child does not usually take the bus home, you will be able to pick him/her up at the Gym upon dismissal. Children are not permitted to leave the school without a parent, guardian, or specifically designated person there to sign them out. A note must be submitted to the office with your child's full name and teacher's name stating that you (or whomever you designate) will be picking them up EVERY day or on specific days of the week. This note only has to be sent to the school one time per school year as long as the details do not change.
  • If your child usually takes the bus home, but you will be picking him/her up at dismissal that day, please send in a note with your child’s full name and teacher’s name to school with your child. Please keep in mind that we require a signed note from a legal parent/guardian to release a child from school. You will be placed on the Parent Pick-up list for pick up at the Gym at 3:45pm.

Early Pick-Up/Sign-Out

  • If you plan to pick your child up early from school, or your child participates in an after school activity, please send a note with your child’s full name, teacher’s name, and if applicable, scout leader’s name, to school with your child. Please keep in mind that we require a signed note from a legal parent/guardian to release a child from school. If your plans change during the day, please call or send an email to your child's teacher and [email protected] prior to 2:45pm. We ask for your full cooperation, as this procedure is in place to oversee the safety of every child.


  • When there is a change in parent pick-up schedule due to an activity ending, you must send a note stating the change.
  • Any change in student pick-ups, scouts or any other after school activities must be submitted in writing to the teacher and office.
  • As we keep track of all students, it is imperative that you send in daily notes for pick up for your child. We cannot accept weekly notes, however, we will allow one note for yearly pick-up for specific days of the week (this does not include scouts or any other after school activity).
  • If you e-mail your child’s teacher with any information related to arrival, dismissal, or attendance, please also email [email protected].
  • No change in pick-up can be accommodated after 2:45pm. This will be strictly adhered to.
  • All parents/designees must sign your child out before leaving the school building.
  • When picking students up from parent pick up, all parents/designees will be required to show ID before signing out their child.

Many thanks for all of your assistance.

By helping us maintain these procedures, you help us keep all of our students safe.

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